The Mediant800 used for this article was originally built for a Lync 2010 SBA and thus has to be upgraded to Lync 2013 for this deployment. The upgrade method used in this lab was the USB Upgrade and Recovery procedure. This is a straightforward process and the default settings on the RecoveryUtil.ini file on the USB stick can be used. Obtain the new Lync2013-based .wim image file from Audiocodes and copy it to the USB stick. Then plug the USB stick to the USB port at the back of the Mediant800 and power up. The system should boot from the USB and start the imaging process automatically. Once imaging is complete remove the USB and allow the system to reboot.

The SBA must first be added into AD as a computer object using the AD
Users and Computers tool. In this lab our computer object settings are as shown
on the right. The Default Admins group is chosen as per default since we are working with the Domain Admin account. Next the computer object must be added as a member of the RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins group. Next, we use ADSIEdit to edit the properties of the computer object and set the attribute servicePrincipalName to "HOST/<SBA FQDN> as shown below. Finally we create a new user account belonging to the RTCUniversalSBATechnicians group for performing the Survivable Branch Appliance deployment.