Poly is a leading provider of communication and collaboration technology, offering a wide range of products and services to enhance the way people connect and work together. One of the key features of Poly's technology is the REST (Representational State Transfer) API, which provides a convenient, scalable, portable, and reliable way to interact with Poly video systems. The REST API allows users to execute certain functions and retrieve information from Poly video systems, enabling greater control and customization of their communication and collaboration experience. This feature is available on a range of Poly MTR Android systems, including the Poly G7500, Poly Studio X70, X50 and X30. In this blogpost, we explore the REST API commands that are available. |
The primary audience for the REST API feature is systems integrators who intend to enable configuration and management of system features through integrated systems. However, the REST API can also be useful for advanced users who want to have greater control over their Poly video systems.
The REST API offers a wide range of commands and functions, covering various aspects of the Poly video system. These include audio, calendar, cameras, collaboration, conferences, directory, session, system, SysTracker, video, and diagnostics. Each of these categories includes a range of specific commands and functions, allowing users to fully customize and control their Poly video system.
The System category allows admins to perform maintenance tasks for multiple devices. For example, below is a simple Powershell script to reboot multiple PolyOS devices:
# This is very basic script to reboot Poly OS devices using REST API (PowerShell 6+ required)
$DeviceIPs = @("";"";"")
$DeviceUserName = "admin"
$DevicePassword = "XXXXXXX"
$SessionRequestBody = ConvertTo-Json @{user=$DeviceUserName ; password=$DevicePassword }
$RebootRequestBody = ConvertTo-Json @{action="reboot" }
foreach ($DeviceIP in $DeviceIPs)
{ Invoke-WebRequest -Method 'POST' -Uri ("https://" + $DeviceIP + "/rest/session") -Body $SessionRequestBody -ContentType 'application/json' -SkipCertificateCheck -SessionVariable session
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Invoke-WebRequest -Method 'POST' -Uri ("https://" + $DeviceIP + "/rest/system/reboot") -Body $RebootRequestBody -ContentType 'application/json' -SkipCertificateCheck -WebSession $session
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Running the above script will immediately reboot the devices and output the following:
# This is very basic script to get audio info from Poly OS devices using REST API (PowerShell 6+ required)
$DeviceIPs = @("";"";"")
$DeviceUserName = "admin"
$DevicePassword = "XXXXXXX"
$SessionRequestBody = ConvertTo-Json @{user=$DeviceUserName ; password=$DevicePassword }
foreach ($DeviceIP in $DeviceIPs)
{ Invoke-WebRequest -Method "POST" -Uri ("https://" + $DeviceIP + "/rest/session") -Body $SessionRequestBody -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck -SessionVariable SV
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Invoke-WebRequest -Method "GET" -Uri ("https://" + $DeviceIP + "/rest/audio") -SkipCertificateCheck -WebSession $SV
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Running the above script will obtain audio status information:
Content: {"volume":48,"muted":false,"muteLocked":false,"numOfMicsConnected":2}
The output is as shown below:
#This is very basic script to hide local video using REST API (PowerShell 6+ required)
$DeviceIPs = @("";"";"")
$DeviceUserName = "admin"
$DevicePassword = "admin"
$SessionRequestBody = ConvertTo-Json @{user=$DeviceUserName ; password=$DevicePassword }
$VideoRequestBody = ConvertTo-Json @{"mute"=$true }
foreach ($DeviceIP in $DeviceIPs)
{ Invoke-WebRequest -Method 'POST' -Uri ("https://" + $DeviceIP + "/rest/session") -Body $SessionRequestBody -ContentType 'application/json' -SkipCertificateCheck -SessionVariable session
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Invoke-WebRequest -Method 'POST' -Uri ("https://" + $DeviceIP + "/rest/video/local/mute") -Body $VideoRequestBody -ContentType 'application/json' -SkipCertificateCheck -WebSession $session
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
The output will provide the result in Content: {"success":true} as per screenshot below:
In addition to the REST API methods, Poly also offers a range of resources and support for users. The Poly Online Support Center is the entry point for online product, service, and solution support, offering video tutorials, documents and software, a knowledge base, community discussions, Poly University, and additional services. The Poly Document Library provides support documentation for active products, services, and solutions, while the Poly Community offers access to the latest developer and support information.

video-os-rest-api-4-0-0.pdf |